4 Vegan Essentials For Fun and Healthy Eating - Coconut Whisk

4 Vegan Essentials For Fun and Healthy Eating

Over the past few decades, veganism has become a widely popular and utilized form of dieting in modern society. Veganism is defined as the practice of abstaining from consuming any form of animal products, although sometimes this practice can stretch beyond food dieting and include abstaining from any products that use any form of animal as commodities. Oftentimes, the purpose of this ideology is based off fighting against the animal cruelty that is innate in many food production industries, although it’s certainly not the only reason to practice veganism. 

Whatever your personal motivation to be a vegan may be, it's important to note that the world and the products offered in it are rarely catered to vegan audiences. While vegan options and selections have only gotten better over time, there is still a lot of effort and perseverance required in order to effectively practice veganism with the accessible products and food in our modern society. But just because it's hard, does not mean that the struggle is not worth the effort! And with that ideology in mind, Coconut Whisk is proud to offer a wide selection of vegan baked goods that help make the search and struggle just a little bit easier. From vegan chocolate chip cookies to vegan pancake mix, Coconut Whisk has a wide selection to support your vegan habits. Keep reading to learn a few more vegan essentials for a fun and healthy eating experience, and how the products from Coconut Whisk can help out with that!


Veggies As Far As The Eye Can See!

As a vegan, there will be a number of food groups that will be off-limits to you, which will make the food groups that are allowed that much more important. Vegetables are oftentimes going to be the beginning and the end of any quality vegan meal you would like to make. But there are plenty of ways to eat a variety of vegetables without going for the simple stir fry every time. Whether it's a complex salad with a variety of different food types, or a wide range of sliced veggies that are roasted in the oven, There are plenty of ways to enjoy veggies as a core of your vegan diet. Not only are they full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but they can help you feel more full and satisfied, a common problem for those exploring veganism. 

A Wide Range of Whole Foods

For any vegan, maintaining a diverse range of ingredients and items is essential to enjoying your eating habits, as well as gaining the most benefit from your vegan diet. However, you don't have to go out and buy a bunch of expensive and specialty ingredients to achieve this wide range of vegan tastes. By focusing on simplistic whole foods, like vegetables, grains, legumes, starches, fruits, nuts, and seeds, you can use these as a healthy base or healthy addition for your meals, and maintain the essential vegan practice while still enjoying a wide diversity of flavors and dishes. Not only are you getting a wide range of tastes and flavors, but you are also supporting your body's health with much-needed vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Classics With a Vegan Twist!

For anyone who is considering or has just recently begun their veganism journey, there are definitely a few things you will miss. Whether it's meat, eggs, or dairy products, there will be certain food items and dishes that you loved that are no longer available to you. But that doesn't mean you are stuck with boring and unknown foods for the rest of your life. There are plenty of classic dishes that you can make, just with a vegan twist or vegan ingredients substitutes. Whether it's making your own vegan parmesan cheese, or using vegan ingredient alternative ingredients for a classic recipe, there are plenty of options out there! Or, you can utilize a trusted brand like Coconut Whisk, that makes quality vegan products that taste just like the classic recipes used to remember. Try out our Vegan Waffle and Pancake mix, and use the batter to make classic tasting pancakes, or even vegan corn dog breading! 

Delicious Dessert

If you are practicing veganism, it will come with a lot of sacrifices that you may not see coming. Not only will you have to forgo some of your favorite meals and ingredients, but you will have to be very diligent about reading packaging labels, considering menu items at restaurants, and all in all changing how you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat. But for all the sacrifices you will have to make, it doesn't mean that it has to be boring and regimented at every step. Dessert is one of those things that's important to everyone, whether it's a nice little treat at the end of a meal, or a sweet indulgence that you pick at during the day. Sometimes, it can even be the best part of a meal, the figurative “cherry” on top,  even for those who are practicing veganism. There are plenty of vegan dessert recipes out there, but there are also easier alternatives, like the vegan baking mixes we offer at Coconut Whisk. Whether it's classic chocolate chip cookies, snickerdoodles, or a variety of easy-to-make mug cakes, we have the vegan desserts  that will make your entire vegan dining experience that much more fun.

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