Brittany Viklund
Name: Brittany Viklund
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
- What are some things that you're absolutely passionate about? Literacy for children, compassion for animals, & social justice issues.
- What do you do? Work/school? I take care of my two toddler boys full time & run a children’s book business!
- What is your health philosophy? I see health as a wholistic practice, mind body & spirit. I believe that when I prepare foods at home I am living my healthiest life— there is always room for improvement & always room for indulgences but if I focus on fresh ingredients & meals made at home I feel like I’m doing my best! I wholeheartedly believe that by cutting out animal products I can provide the healthiest experience for myself & my family.
- What's your favorite self-care ritual? I love a hot bubble bath whenever I can sneak one in, going to bed with a book or taking breaks from screens or social media.
- What's one food you could eat every single day? GREEN CHILE! I grew up in southern New Mexico so for me, despite my strong sweet tooth, I love green chile on any & everything.
- Who inspires you the most aka your role models? My husband! He has a heart of gold & is the hardest working, most caring person I know.
- Where is your favorite place to travel to? Anyplace that has a beach!! My husband & I went to Tulum, Mexico for our honeymoon & we are going back in October to celebrate our 5th anniversary.
- What's a social cause that means the most to you? This is so hard because they all mean so much to me but I feel most hopeful about veganism— it’s the one thing I feel like I have a lot of control over, and it benefits my body, the animals & the planet.
- How do you balance personal life and work? I don’t do a very good job of this but turning off email & social media notifications helps in a big way & blocking time when I am *not* working helps me have boundaries.
- Chocolate or peanut butter? CHOCOLATE!
- Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes simply because we don’t have a waffle maker— we live in a small home & every appliance must have many uses haha.
- Favorite thing about Coconut Whisk? Coconut Whisk makes it easy & fun for me to create my favorite vegan treats & my toddlers LOVE to help out! Vegan food can be easy, convenient & YUMMY & Coconut Whisk proves that.
- Any advice you’d like to give to your younger self? To care less about what others think of me & to be proud of who I am. I spent so many years trying to be something I wasn’t & I wish I wouldn’t have been so caught up in that.
- What are some long term goals that you're currently striving for? We jokingly talk about starting a vegan food truck & serving yummy vegan comfort foods but that’s kind of/mostly a joke….but the more we talk about the more I think it’s actually not...
- Health = Wealth. Do you agree? 100000%! When I am healthy, I am well, & the reverse is true too.